How To Convert your Betting Slip From One Bookies to Another
Betslip converter is the number one Most Reliable & fastest Betslip conversion tool. We’re working to turn your passion for Sports betting into an exciting experience with the help of our conversion tool.
We’re dedicated to giving you the very best of our automated conversion tool, with a focus on “Speed, Reliability and of course without paying a dime.”
We created this tool, to help you convert the selection of betting slip from one bookie to another.
Conversion on our platform is completely FREE! and there’s no limit to the number of slips you can convert.
How To Use our Betslip Converter Tool
1. Visit Betting site 1 and Place your Bet, then a slip code is generated for you.
2. Visit and input the code from betting site 1, then select the platform where the code is been generated (Betting site 1) from the list of websites. And then select the new betting website (Betting site 2) where you want to pick corresponding selections.
3. Click on “Convert Slip”, within a couple of seconds, our powerful tool will serve the results.
So after Converting your slip, you can use the “generated code” (result of your query) on the official website of the online bookmakers
Without any need to manually make those selections. And you can as well share, as this code can be use by anyone as long as the event hasn’t started.
If you find this very helpful, don’t hesitate to use the share button.
Happy conversion!