Welcome to Betslip Converter, your number one Most Reliable & fastest Betslip conversion tool. We’re working to turn your passion for Sports betting into an exciting experience with the help of our conversion tool.

We’re dedicated to giving you the very best of our automated conversion tool, with a focus on “Speed, Reliability and of course without paying a dime.”


Betting on sports has long been a favourite pastime for many across the globe, however online bookmakers are now also growing in popularity, with a whole host of platforms now battling it out for the attention of new customers.

In 2018, we noticed many people are finding it difficult to make use of the selections of a betslip code generated from a betting platform; as it is only limited to their platform in which it was generated. Sometimes it can be stressful going around manually picking those selections. And because of this many customers were not getting the most out of their sport betting experience. This was a big problem!

We accepted the challenge and quickly put up an action by registering “Betslipconveter.com” and built a team of highly skilled professional developers and experts together to create this conversion tool. With that Betslip Converter was given birth to!

Today, Betslip Converter runs what is perhaps the “Most reliable & fastest Betslip Converter tool with artificial intelligence”. Yes, We are the first to do it. 


Got questions or ideas you’d like to share? Want to partner with us? Need help or support with our tool? Want to share a testimonial? Or just want to say hi?

You can always get in touch with us at info@betslipconverter.com